Brasserie – Beer Restaurant – Beer Tavern
+32 53 680 888

Valentines Menu February 2025 “Month of passion…”

Available from Friday afternoon, 7 February 2025, until Thursday evening, 20 February 2025

A woman to chase does no harm; the trouble begins only when she is caught…

A brilliant prelude…
Homemade “rillettes” of luscious Scottish salmon infused with artisanal Gueuze and served with whole-grain toast
Sesame grissini – Herb-flavored prancracker – Capers powder
A sexy duet of spicy cocktail sauce with Rodenbach & blushing pistachio mayonnaise
Artisanal rolls with herb cream cheese, smoked salmon, dill, onion, and candied lemon
Savor every bite! Sink your teeth in!
° Woody on tap (Brass. Minne)
° Bohemia Sekt, rosé
To ignite your appetite…
An alluring and naughty ‘classic’ that stands unmatched…
Seductive soybean sprouts – Lovely mousseline sauce with organic Moinette – Grey shrimp
A delightfully poached egg! This can only bring happiness!
° Maegd van Gottem (Brij. Sint-Canarus) – Lino (Brij. Vicaris)
° Douro, Portal d’Azenha branco, 2022
To warm you up…
La Mer – L’Amour – Pour Toujours! A seafood dish passionately prepared!
Tender SKREI with a heartwarming Augustijn beer sauce
A titillating “méli-mélo” of libido-stirring kohlrabi, passionate turnips and spicy chorizo
° Boeké (Brij. Belgoo) – Goliath blond on tap
° Spanje, Toro, Viore, Verdejo, 2019
To turn up the heat…
Excited chicken ‘in love with’ sage – The perfect food pairing! – “Sex on the Plate!”
Corn-fed chicken stuffed with spiced chicken mince and sensual sage – Crispy romantic almond flakes
Sauce with red bell pepper & Oud Bruin ‘diabolique style’ – Devilishly delicious!
°Novice black on tap (Brij. De Landtsheer) – Leopold tripel (Brass. De Marsinne)
° Portugal, Materia Vinho regional Alentejano, Trincadeira-Touriga National, 2017
To reach ecstasy… A true culinary… uh… orgasm!
Duo of Chimay cheese and jelly made from Chimay Blue – Rocket salad with Chimay Green having a fling with Rum
Bold, daring, and treacherous – Just like a real woman!
° Chimay blauw vintage 2023 on tap
° Frankrijk, Alsace, Cave de Kaysersberg, Gewürtstraminer, 2018
To catch your breath… with a kiss from the kitchen brigade!
Warm pear frangipane frolicking with cinnamon & speculoos ice cream
Love is… He who pays, she who caresses… and together swooning for the sweet sin!
° WINE NOTE, Triple au vin chaud (Brass. Des Beaux Jour) (supplement 4€)
° And now the end phase… (Irisch-) coffee (not included in the price!)
Sober up over coffee… and hopefully remember to pay!
Heading home… With the right woman/man!?


This menu is offered at the price of 75€ of 99€ all-in with matching beers/wines, carafe water with the drinks, VAT, service, and our smile.…
Shorter version available (without ‘soybean sprouts’ and ‘Duo of Chimay cheese’) for 63€ or 83 €

Reservations are necessary !

De Heeren van Liedekercke
Kasteelstraat 33, 9470 Denderleeuw, Tel: 053/68.08.88
e-mail :

To keep our service standards high just one menu choice per table please.